Click on any plant to view details and see a photograph;
Begonia 'Megawatt Rose Bronze Leaf'
Begonia 'Nonstop Deep Red'
Begonia 'Nonstop Deep Salmon'
Begonia 'Nonstop Joy Yellow'
Begonia 'Whopper Red Green Leaf'
Begonia 'Whopper Rose Green Leaf'
Chlorophytum comosum 'Variegatum'
Impatiens 'Balbigaven'
Impatiens 'Balbigbery'
Impatiens 'Balbigite'
Impatiens 'Dazzler Cranberry'
Impatiens 'Dazzler Deep Pink'
Impatiens 'Dazzler Rose'
Impatiens 'Dazzler White'
Impatiens 'SakimP011'
Impatiens 'SakimP013'
Impatiens 'SakimP027'
Impatiens 'SakimP063'
Impatiens 'SunPatiens Compact Coral'
Impatiens 'SunPatiens Spreading Carmine Red'
Impatiens 'SunPatiens Spreading Lavender'
Impatiens 'SunPatiens Spreading Variegated Salmon'
Impatiens hawkeri 'Strike Orchid'
Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender'
Solenostemon scutellarioides 'Kong Jr. Rose'